Best 10 News Websites

The importance of news should never be underestimated. Though we now live in an era where certain forms of news delivery are becoming obsolete, the need for and consumption of information about current affairs has never slowed down.
This is the reason that websites known for a consistent stream of accurate information manage to retain high popularity.
The best news sites are those that offer a tremendous user experience, and more importantly, they offer quality information. We’ve scoured the Internet, and therefore, we can confidently say that the 10 sites below are the best for your news needs.
1. Yahoo News
Yahoo! news sees just under 200 million visitors monthly. It may come as a shock to you that the website managed to pull off such a fantastic feat, but the wealth of news that is available speaks for itself. Apart from general information, there are articles on just about any category that you can think of.
2. Google News
Unsurprisingly, Google also makes this list with its own immense news offering. Thanks to a wealth of accurate information and the perk of having the best search engine in the world, Google delivers news to just about 150 million visitors monthly.
3. Associated Press News (
Quality news providers tend to cite their information sources. Many of these citations display the letters “AP.” This is because Associated Press News tends to report stories initially. These stories are then taken and re-reported by other news outlets.
This workflow alone is a testament to AP News’ quality.
4. HuffPost
Visitors of the HuffingtonPost page tend to go on about its sleek design. It’s more than just the appearance, though, as Huffingtonpost always has loads of news under various categories.
5. BBC News
There is no more massive broadcaster in the world than the British Broadcasting Corporation. This is a name that has been synonymous with news for just unfder a century. It is a highly reliable news source because of extensive journalism and a lack of bias
6. CNN
Like BBC, CNN has developed a reputation for being a significant and reliable news source. Furthermore, the site is known to excel at providing news in the shortest possible order. A combination of quick and dependable content makes CNN stand out as a top international news source.
7. The New York Times
Though the New York times is an American-based news site, it has achieved global popularity for its quality reporting. Unlike other news websites, The New York times uses a traditional newspaper aesthetic, which gives a unique touch.
C-SPAN, which means Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network, has operated in some form for just over four decades. It is a niche news site that provides information on government-based occurrences in the United States.
There is also limited information of a similar nature provided on Australia, Canada, and the UK.
9. NBC News
NBC News tends to feed on the energy of its audience. The stories covered tend to be those that the public is heavily invested in.
10. Daily Mail
This British-based news source is one that has been picking up a lot of steam. This is thanks to a well-designed user interface that is complemented by factual news.